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This guide will help you understand how to use Allawee’s services, whether you choose to use API calls or the no-code dashboard option. You need to create an account. After signing up, you can start using the API in a sandbox. However, we would need to verify your account before you can start calling live data. Signing up only takes a few minutes and you can get started here.

This guide will assume you have an Allawee account and are able to access a user token.

Generate your API Key

Your API Key is necessary for authorization every time you make a call to the Allawee API.

  1. Go to the allawee dashboard at and sign in.
  2. Click Dashboard .
  3. Click on Generate API Key.
  4. You need to give your token a name and set the permissions. Toggle between LIVE and TEST MODE to create a key for the specified mode.
  5. Copy the authorization key from the modal. The key looks like this: ​sk.test.jdsBTatQ.X0OO-caOuYrp3VhvKeSs9tCafVo$IFIMI9bk_6$HYFl-0v5rTfu81qXLbBacxe7Y.

Make an API call

Once you have your user token, you can get started with making API calls with the token. For this example, we will create a customer. Our request should return information about the card, such as the card name, spend controls, and other card information.

To make the request, add the header Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_USER_TOKEN> and make a GET request to with the language or tool of your choice. Below is a request to the Create a cu endpoint.

Example Customer Request
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
  --data '{
    "name": "Chiroma Adekunle",

You can also use a tool such as Postman to make your request, as long as you include your Authorization token in the header.

Next Steps

Congratulations on making your first API call with Allawee. Your calls will generally follow the same pattern. The rest of the user guide will familiarise you with Allawee API implementation conventions and concerns. You can check the information available at different endpoints to decide which endpoint you need to make your calls to.

Last updated Aug. 01, 2023

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