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How Authorization Works

Authorization Check Request

When the card network request for card balance and card holder name; Allawee sends a card.authorization.request with type check, you should respond with either an approve or decline action.

If you respond with an approve you should also respond with cardBalance (amount in minor) and cardHolderName, unless the response would be invalid and authorization declined

Authorization Capture Request

When the card network request for a debit on a card for a purchase; Allawee checks if the card, customer and account are all active. If they are all active an authorization is created. If either, card, customer or account is inactive, request is completely discarded.

Next Allawee performs more pre-checks on the account, checks if the funding source has enough balance and checks if spending controls on the card allows the authorization.

If checks fails, Allawee automatically decline the authorization and send you a card.authorization.closed event. If checks succeeds, Allawee holds the funds in reserve and sends you a card.authorization.request with type capture. You should respond to the request with either an approve or decline action.

If you respond with an approve you should go ahead and lock the user funds. After your response, the authorization object is updated and a card.authorization.closed is sent with the new status.

On receiving the new card.authorization.closed event, if the authorization object status is set to approved, you should debit the user funds. Otherwise if authorization object is set to decline you should release the user money from the lock back to their available balance.

Authorization with updated amount

In a case where there is an update on the amount to debit, we would set the authorization object to pending and send you a card.authorization.update event that should be responded with an action within 4 seconds.

You should compare the authorization object new amount with the locked amount and available balance. For-example if new amount is greater than locked amount plus user balance, you should decline with an insufficient-funds code and release currently locked funds.

If new amount is less than locked amount or new amount + locked amount is less than user balance. you should approve and debit new amount.

Authorization Reversals

When card network triggers a reversal, we would send a card.authorization.update event with authorization object updated to reversed and credit your settlement balance with the reversed amount. You should proceed to reverse the user funds.


  • Authorization Events sent via card.authorization.request, card.authorization.closed and card.authorization.update events, are required for card authorizations.
  • Authorization Events with authorization object status set to pending are only sent once and there is a timeout of 4 seconds, after which your timeoutDefault response is applied.
  • Authorization Events with authorization object status set to either approved, declined or reversed can be resent multiple times until you respond with a 200 HTTP StatusCode. You should implement a way to track duplicated transactions in-case event is resent.

Responding to authorization requests

Authorization response should be sent as JSON responses with the following parameters.

Field nameRequired or optionalTypeDescription
actionrequiredapprove, declineAuthorization action to be taken
codeoptionalaccount-not-found, account-inactive, insufficient-funds, invalid-transaction, duplicate-transactionReason for decline action; this would be added to the authorization object, for referencing
cardBalanceoptional (required for authorization check requests)IntegerThe card’s balance in minor, e.g 100000 for NGN1,000
cardHolderNameoptionalStringName of the card holder, e.g John Doe
metadataoptionalSet of key-value pairsKey-value pair of any information you would like to add to the object’s metadata, which you can later retrieved later.
  • Here is an example for card.authorization.closed, it is similar to card.authorization.request but comes with final status of the authorization object
  "event": "card.authorization.closed",
  "data": {
    "amount": 50000,
    "card": "c.2tUYkKGqPTWH3ZtM4",
    "channel": "online",
    "createdAt": "2023-03-14T18:22:51.000Z",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "decisionType": "direct-response",
    "fees": 6500,
    "id": "c.auth.2tXJoWXy2NZNFU9mY",
    "networkData": {
      "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE LA LANG",
      "cardAccountNumber": "0140881806",
      "network": "verve",
      "reference": "1678818170917",
      "rrn": "1678802924287",
      "stan": "1678802924287"
    "object": "card.authorization",
    "status": "approved",
    "type": "capture"
  "metadata": {
    "sentAt": "2023-03-14T18:26:54.528995Z",
    "event": "evt.2tXJoYkRayFK8H9Eq"
  • Here is a sample for card.authorization.update it is similar to card.authorization.request but comes with the new status of the authorization object, e.g reversed
  "event": "card.authorization.update",
  "data": {
    "amount": 500,
    "card": "c.2tUYkKGqPTWH3ZtM4",
    "channel": "online",
    "createdAt": "2023-03-13T03:36:12.000Z",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "decisionType": "direct-response",
    "id": "c.auth.2tWnAbJMupWGmnjTC",
    "networkData": {
      "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE LA LANG",
      "network": "verve",
      "reference": "1678678572421"
    "object": "card.authorization",
    "status": "reversed",
    "type": "capture"
  "metadata": {
    "sentAt": "2023-03-13T03:37:05.16974Z",
    "event": "evt.2tWnBFgxzBn1HqEvr"
  • Here is a sample for card.transaction.created, this is event is sent when an actual transaction is created.
  "event": "card.transaction.created",
  "data": {
    "amount": -50000,
    "authorization": "c.auth.2tXJVgE6Z4vX97RRj",
    "card": "c.2tUYkKGqPTWH3ZtM4",
    "channel": "online",
    "createdAt": "2023-03-14T17:59:32.000Z",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "customer": "cus.2tUZALBt23So88JZm",
    "fees": -6500,
    "id": "c.txn.2tXJVhhjbU3pPekQb",
    "networkData": {
      "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE LA LANG",
      "network": "verve",
      "reference": "1678816769131",
      "rrn": "1678802924287",
      "stan": "1678802924287"
    "object": "card.transaction",
    "type": "capture"
  "metadata": {
    "sentAt": "2023-03-14T17:59:33.657411Z",
    "event": "evt.2tXJVhhjbU3pPekQd"
  • Here is an example for Authorization Implementation.
Example Authorization Implementation
package main

import (

var AllaweeWebhookSigningKey = "XXXXXXXXXXX"

type AllaweeEventBody struct {
    Event    string                   `json:"event"`
    Data     AllaweeAuthorizationData `json:"data"`
    Metadata AllaweeEventBodyMetadata `json:"metadata"`

type AllaweeAuthorizationData struct {
    Card          string                          `json:"card"`
    Type          string                          `json:"type"`
    Id            string                          `json:"id"`
    Amount        int64                           `json:"amount"`
    Fees          int64                           `json:"fees"`
    Channel       string                          `json:"channel"`
    Reserved      bool                            `json:"reserved"`
    NetworkData   AllaweeEventBodyDataNetworkData `json:"networkData"`
    CreatedAt     time.Time                       `json:"createdAt"`
    Status        string                          `json:"status"`
    DeclineReason string                          `json:"declineReason"`
    DecisionType  string                          `json:"decisionType"`
    Currency      string                          `json:"currency"`

type AllaweeEventBodyDataNetworkData struct {
    Rrn                      string `json:"rrn"`
    Stan                     string `json:"stan"`
    Network                  string `json:"network"`
    TxnReference             string `json:"txnReference"`
    CardAcceptorNameLocation string `json:"cardAcceptorNameLocation"`

type AllaweeEventBodyMetadata struct {
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
    Event     string    `json:"event"`

// Verify the request by comparing HMAC Hex of the webhook signing key
func verifyRequest(c iris.Context) *AllaweeEventBody {
    signature := c.Request().Header.Get("Allawee-Signature")
    reqBody, _ := c.GetBody()

    hash := hmacHashHex(AllaweeWebhookSigningKey, string(reqBody))

    if hash != signature {
        c.StopWithJSON(iris.StatusBadRequest, iris.Map{"error": "Invalid Signature"})
        return nil

    // Get TransferEventBody
    var body AllaweeEventBody
    err := json.Unmarshal(reqBody, &body)
    if err != nil {
        c.StopWithJSON(iris.StatusBadRequest, iris.Map{"error": "Invalid Request"})
        return nil

    return &body

func hmacHashHex(key string, secret string) string {
    h := hmac.New(sha512.New, []byte(key))
    return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))

func main(c iris.Context) {
    body := verifyRequest(c)
    if body == nil {

    if body.Event == "card.authorization.request" {
        response := processRequest(body)

    if body.Event == "card.authorization.closed" {
        response := processClosed(body)

    if body.Event == "card.authorization.update" {
        response := processUpdate(body)

    if body.Event == "card.transaction.created" {
        response := iris.Map{"code": "success"}

    c.StopWithJSON(iris.StatusBadRequest, iris.Map{"error": "Invalid Request"})

func processRequest(body *AllaweeEventBody) iris.Map {
    if body.Data.Type == "check" {
        return processCheck(body)

    if body.Data.Type == "capture" {
        return processCapture(body)

    return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "metadata": iris.Map{"reason": "Invalid Request"}}

func processCheck(body *AllaweeEventBody) iris.Map {
    // Get the card's wallet
    wallet := getCardWallet(body.Data.Card)
    if wallet == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-not-found"}

    if !wallet.Active {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-inactive"}

    return iris.Map{
        "action":         "approve",
        "cardBalance":    wallet.AvailableBalance,
        "cardHolderName": wallet.Name,

func processCapture(body *AllaweeEventBody) iris.Map {
    // Get the card's wallet
    wallet := getCardWallet(body.Data.Card)

    // if the wallet is not active, decline
    if wallet == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-not-found"}

    // if the wallet is not active, decline
    if !wallet.Active {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-inactive"}

    // Check if transaction already exists, using authorization id as reference
    transaction := getTransaction(body.Data.Id)
    if transaction != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "duplicate-transaction"}

    // Get transaction fees, in-case you are adding a fee (optional)
    transactionFee, err := calculateTransactionFee(body.Data.Amount)
    if err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    if wallet.AvailableBalance < (body.Data.AmountAndFees() + *transactionFee) {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "insufficient-funds"}

    // Add a step to verify your internal spending controls (optional)
    if err := checkSpendingControl(body, wallet, *transactionFee); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "spending-control"}

    // Place a lien on the account, note the transaction is not yet final until closed,
    // so you want to only reserve the money, optionally pass in the transactionFee to reserve also
    if err := placeLien(body, wallet, *transactionFee); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    return iris.Map{"action": "approve"}

// processClosed processes authorization closed event
// This is called when an authorization is closed on allawee
func processClosed(body *AllaweeEventBody) iris.Map {
    // Get Original Transaction
    originalTransaction := getTransaction(body.Data.Id)
    if originalTransaction == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}

    // get card's wallet
    wallet := getCardWallet(body.Data.Card)
    if wallet == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-not-found"}

    if body.Data.Status == "approved" {
        return processAuthorizationApproved(body, wallet, originalTransaction)

    if body.Data.Status == "declined" {
        return processAuthorizationDeclined(body, wallet, originalTransaction)

    return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}

// processAuthorizationUpdate processes authorization updated event
// This is called when an authorization is updated on allawee, in case where a new amount is to be captured or it is completely reversed
func processUpdate(body *AllaweeEventBody) iris.Map {
    // Get Original Transaction
    originalTransaction := getTransaction(body.Data.Id)
    if originalTransaction == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}

    // get card's wallet
    wallet := getCardWallet(body.Data.Card)
    if wallet == nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "account-not-found"}

    if body.Data.Status == "pending" {
        return processAuthorizationPending(body, wallet, originalTransaction)

    if body.Data.Status == "reversed" {
        return processAuthorizationReversed(body, wallet, originalTransaction)

    return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}


func processAuthorizationApproved(
    body *AllaweeEventBody,
    wallet *Wallet,
    originalTransaction *Transaction) iris.Map {

    if originalTransaction.Status != "pending" {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "duplicate-transaction"}

    // Debit the lien that was previously reserved
    if err := processDebitLien(body, wallet, originalTransaction); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    return iris.Map{"action": "approve"}

func processAuthorizationPending(
    body *AllaweeEventBody,
    wallet *Wallet,
    originalTransaction *Transaction) iris.Map {

    if originalTransaction.Status != "pending" {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "duplicate-transaction"}

    // Get transaction fees
    transactionFee, err := calculateTransactionFee(body.Data.Amount)
    if err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    // if new amount is greater than the original amount and the wallet do not have a sufficient balance for the new amount
    // then reverse the money reserved and return an insufficient-funds error
    // Note: NetworkAmountAndFees here mean the original amount and fees that was sent excluding your own additional fee if applied
    if (body.Data.AmountAndFees() > originalTransaction.NetworkAmountAndFees()) && ((wallet.AvailableBalance + originalTransaction.NetworkAmountAndFees()) < (body.Data.AmountAndFees() + *transactionFee)) {
        if err := processReverseLien(body, wallet, originalTransaction); err != nil {
            return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "insufficient-funds"}

    //  debit lien with new amount
    if err := processDebitLien(body, wallet, originalTransaction, *transactionFee); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    return iris.Map{"action": "approve"}


// in a case where a previous pending authorization was declined, remove the reserved funds and return to the user
func processAuthorizationDeclined(
    body *AllaweeEventBody,
    wallet *Wallet,
    originalTransaction *Transaction) iris.Map {

    if originalTransaction.Status != "pending" {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "duplicate-transaction"}

    if err := processReverseLien(body, wallet, originalTransaction); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    return iris.Map{"action": "approve"}

// in a case where a previous successful authorization was reversed by the network, refund user and return the cash to the user
func processAuthorizationReversed(
    body *AllaweeEventBody,
    wallet *Wallet,
    originalTransaction *Transaction) iris.Map {

    if originalTransaction.Status != "success" {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}

    // Note: NetworkAmountAndFees here mean the original amount and fees that was sent excluding your own additional fee if applied
    if originalTransaction.NetworkAmountAndFees() != body.Data.AmountAndFees() {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline", "code": "invalid-transaction"}

    // Notice processReverse here is different from processReverseLien, as the money is no longer in lien
    if err := processReverse(body, wallet, originalTransaction); err != nil {
        return iris.Map{"action": "decline"}

    return iris.Map{"action": "approve"}


You can use our simulation APIs in test mode to simulate sending an authorization events (via or using the dashboard).

Sample Authorization Check Request Success Response

{ "action": "approve", "cardBalance": 50000, "cardHolderName": "John Doe" }

Sample Authorization Decline Response

{ "action": "decline", "code": "insufficient-funds" }

Sample Authorization Approve Response

  "action": "approve",
  "metadata": { "acme-transaction-reference": "0C1202321234" }

Last updated Aug. 01, 2023

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